Avoiding lead providers to stop unwanted sales calls and keep your information safe.

Have you ever shopped for insurance online? Have you ever clicked on a website that positions itself as some sort of insurance provider? Have you ever filled out a questionnaire only to be inundated by a myriad of sales calls from different agents with different companies? This is what happens when you give your information to a lead provider.

Lead providers help other businesses source leads. This is a common marketing tactic and a lot of agents subscribe to these services. When an agent receives notification that a new lead has come through they immediately begin marketing. The frustrating truth about this process is that leads are often sold to multiple agents at a time. This is why prospects are inundated with sales calls from pushy agents.

Since no one enjoys this process, I thought I would offer my advice on how to avoid it altogether. Check out these three tips below:

Avoid the lead vendors and lead providers

Avoiding lead vendors/ providers will help you protect your information from unknown agents and companies. Look for names you are familiar with such as Farmers Insurance, State Farm, Shelter, and etc. If you find a company online that you are unfamiliar with or if you find a website with the word “quote” incorporated into the name/title chances are they are a lead provider.

Shop directly with insurance agents and insurance companies

You get to choose who has your information when you shop directly with insurance agents and companies. Look up agents who are nearby or who have great reviews and then call or visit their website for a quote. Selecting who you get a quote from will prevent unwanted sales calls from unknown agents.


There is nothing more annoying than an agent who won’t let you go. After you have made your decision and are done shopping, call all of the other agents and ask to be put on their do not call list. By asking this, you are signaling to them that you have made your decision and that you are no longer available for solicitations. This will help prevent unwanted sales calls in the future.

Remember these three tips the next time you are shopping. You will have control over who you want to do business with, who has your information, and who should be calling you vs who should not.

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