Starting Up a New Business in a Pandemic?

Starting Up a New Business in a Pandemic?

Marketing Priorities for a Positive and Lucrative Start

If you are one of the brave hearts who have started a new business during one of the most mind-boggling scary pandemics in the history of our world kudos to you! It takes many attributes to succeed, such as, extreme dedication, resilience, incessant time, and devoted purpose and vision with a mean twist of determination when economic times are good and the environment in which we live more predictable.

With that said, if you have true grit then anything is possible and something wonderful can come from nothing even in the worst circumstances by prioritizing your marketing to target the right people at the right time.

In my 18+ years of experience in making numerous B2B sales and conversing with a wide variety of business owners from nearly every industry that serves consumers I learned that certain types of advertising during the start-up phase can make a huge impact on accumulating significant new business. First, know your goals and what you need to accomplish defining success in your own terms. One wise man that owned an insurance agency who I met nearly 20 years ago early in my sales career, had one certain goal he wanted to reach: to at least make one sale per day.  For insurance that makes great sense and he was in business for over 30 years and was remarkably successful, retiring happily.

Once you have your goal in place, execute your plan, knowing your target market like the back of your hand. Age range, interests, geographic location, social media preferences to name several and know what drives them to buy are essential to success in 2020.  Once you have this information locked down begin running quality targeted social ads where your potential customers are interacting, searching, and often shopping daily. During this dreadful isolating pandemic more people are online socially than ever before in the history of our nation.

To get the most reach for the least dollar I highly recommend on day one of opening your new business running targeted social ads. You do not need to spend a fortune and that is the joy of social advertising – start out with a $50 bill if you are on a tight budget, increasing that amount over time as you grow.  You can reach several thousands of people with your message for $50-$100 but of course, it is partially a numbers game, and the more people you reach the more likely you are to close more sales.

1.       Facebook:  A bountiful platform to reach the most Boomers I and II and Generation X.

2.       Instagram: A bountiful platform to reach the most Millennials and Generation Z.

Facebook and Instagram integrate with one another by adjusting your settings on Facebook, so that if you run your ad on Facebook it will also run on Instagram. Even if you do not have an Instagram page your ad will still run on Instagram. I do recommend creating an Instagram page for the most effective results.

Lastly, discover more at Facebook for Business:  “How to Find Customers Online.”  Once you know well the audience you wish to reach learn to create a compelling ad and publish it to begin seeing the business roll in.  If you need help with the marketing end to run the every day aspects of building your business invest in a competent marketing agency, like Bella Media Services, as it will be the best investment and return on investment that you can make to grow your business quickly and efficiently. Here’s wishing every new business owner, the best of marketing success!

REACHING OUT: Don't be afraid to ask for advice and share your experiences.

REACHING OUT: Don't be afraid to ask for advice and share your experiences.

The Graceful Exit

The Graceful Exit