Surviving the Covid-19 Pandemic in Business and Life in General

Surviving the Covid-19 Pandemic in Business and Life in General

Now that the world of business is open after a long shut down how do we as business owners THRIVE again?

As the entire country relaxes restrictions and allows us to open our doors again to serve customers, we are excited to get back to full business power and continue to drive exceptional growth for every client that we serve. Before the pandemic, we were thriving and enjoying a record year! We were at that peak and state of mind that nothing could stop us now.  That AHA moment when we found out the Covid-19 was much worse than any of us could have imagined was extremely disturbing for many reasons on a personal and business level.

First, we have older parents and other precious family members with health concerns, and most importantly are extremely concerned for their safety.  On top of that, we were preparing to move from our home after living there for 16 years. We had the entire house nearly packed up with a move date of April 15th.  With the news of Covid-19, we decided to take some time to assess the situation and push the date to June 1st when we hoped selling and searching for a home would be slightly safer. 

On top of packing, we had the entire house to paint and many other tidbits to complete to make it shine on show. Packing a lifetime of goods, worrying about family, and trying to run a business that hit a plateau is mentally tough.  At the same time business slowing down helped to alleviate some of the stress of renovating and selling the house.

On a business level, it was very disheartening during the first 2 weeks in March when three of our clients called to let us know they had to put their marketing programs on pause or were not able to continue at all.  One client literally had to close his business, and another is on hold until people feel comfortable joining together again in large numbers. Fortunately, the latter business will rise again and promised to return to allow us the opportunity to continue their marketing program and plan.

We are now making many more calls to non-essential businesses to check in on them to see how they are doing and requesting a chance to review their marketing programs. We want to do our part to help businesses come back and thrive again.  We are hopeful that most businesses kept up their social media campaigns and reached out to their clients with calls of care and concern.  Through any crisis, we must face, reminding people your business is still viable and that you earnestly care can make a huge difference in keeping your base.

For those business owners who felt they had to stop everything, we encourage a quick pivot back to an aggressive marketing campaign that will drive new and repeat business. Reach out to customers or clients in creative ways and let them know your open for business now.  Every business can thrive again with the right plan!



Yes, we’re open!

Yes, we’re open!